Friday, March 12, 2010

Some Days It Doesn't Get Much Cuter Than This

Okay.  If you disagree with me, that's fine... just don't tell me!  However, I have to say, one of the cutest things I've seen this week is my two-year-old daughter wearing her daddy's cap.  Too bad we couldn't get a shot of when she had it on backwards.  :)

We were eating dinner last night and Julia somehow ended up with Adam's hat on (I missed the "how"... I was trying to eat and hold a drooling, teething baby), but once Julia had the cap on, she was hamming it up and then passing the hat around for everyone to try on... including Raven and Mommy (let me just say that my hub has a SMALL head... or I have a BIG one!)

It was one of those "Where's the camera?" moments.  Thank goodness for cell phones with cameras.  ;)  (Not something you would have heard me say two years ago.  Ha!)

Have a happy Friday!


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