Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gall is a Four Letter Word

As in, gall bladder.

Yesterday morning (3 am) I woke up to a dull but very angry pain in my upper right abdomen. I nursed Raven, rolled around a bit, and fell back to sleep.

Looking back, I could tell you that I was in pain most of yesterday, but thought it was probably a back pain or something; who wouldn't have a little back pain from carting around two kids on her hips?

Late yesterday afternoon, the pain intensified, and I realized I hadn't eaten much of anything at all yesterday. I went to the chiropractor, got adjusted to the hilt, and felt a lot better. I came home, ate dinner.

But, about an hour after eating dinner, I was feeling a LOT of pain and started throwing up. Adam and I briefly discussed me going to the hospital, but the thought of an ER bill kept me home, and I sent him off to watch the Packers with his buddies.

By the time Adam got home, I decided I needed to go in. I made sure bottles were made up for Raven and took off for the ER. I was there for about 2 hours. I had an IV of fluids and morphine, was poked and prodded, and had x-rays taken. The ER doctor was sure it was my gall bladder, but didn't want to give me the "good drugs" because it would mean not nursing (pumping-and-dumping) for a few days; it is bad enough that I have to do it for 24 hours because of the morphine! The x-ray technician also scheduled an ultrasound for 7 am this morning, since I couldn't eat or drink anything for 12 hours beforehand.

The pain subsided with the morphine, so they let me go home (otherwise I would have been checked in), but by 3 am, I was in full-on pain again. I took a few Tylenol, and that along with a rice bag and a seriously cute baby snug in my arms helped me get to sleep.

I had my ultrasound at 7 am. That took about a half hour. Adam called in for a personal day today because I knew that I would need sleep (1.5 hours is not enough to function! ha!) and I would need help with the kids as well. I had a follow-up appointment with my doctor today to hear the results of the ultrasound...

... and sure enough, my gall bladder in angry...
... and, not only that, I have a surgery consult on Thursday so that out patient surgery can be scheduled to take my gall bladder out!


Maybe I should have titled my post, "How Many Abdominal Surgeries Can I Have in One Month!?" Ha.

At any rate, I'm on a "bland food" diet until after the surgery. I'm hoping it all goes well. Adam has been a big help and hopefully we'll be able to get everything figured out with the kids too. :)

Still lovin' my doctor and he was pretty funny at various times during my appointment (as was my nurse). Those two are good for a laugh at any rate.


ps. Will keep my blog posted with surgery time... no idea yet. Will find out on Thursday.

1 comment:

Kate said...

OH, my gosh Erin!! Rest up my friend!! I had my gall bladder attack right after the wedding and then i had my gall bladder out right after the honeymoon!! OUCH!! Good luck with the surgery!! It is a quick one, but the recovery isn't so fun! :( I'll be thinking of you!