Monday, September 7, 2009

Just Another Weed... Corn

Earlier last week, the weeds in the flower/bush beds that hadn't bothered me one stitch the last two months suddenly were overwhelming me in their fruitfulness and I asked Adam to teach me how to use the weed whacker.

With a skeptical gleam in his eye, he got it started for me and showed me what to do. It was quite fun... quite liberating! And, I whacked those weeds all away.

However, when I got the corn stalk that showed up earlier this summer in one of our front beds, I decided to leave it be. Considering that it even tasseled out and had ears on it, I figured it was a pretty worthy contender and didn't deserve to be chopped down. After all, it wasn't its fault that I didn't see it two months ago and pluck it from its spot at that point.

It really has gotten quite tall, and while I doubt that the ears will get much bigger than they are right now (they are about one inch in diameter or thereabouts), it still proves to be a bit of a conversation piece. I had Julia sit in front of it so I could show just how large it had gotten under my decidedly unwatchful eye.


Hopefully next summer we won't have near the trouble with corn stalks in random places as we did this summer... but I doubt it. One of the neighbors of a neighbor enjoy feeding squirrels corn cobs and we have random cobs in our yard weekly.


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