Thursday, September 10, 2009

39 Weeks

Today I am 39 weeks pregnant.  It is unbelievable to me, and unbelievably difficult to explain how quickly this pregnancy has gone for me.  My pregnancy with Julia moved at a snail's pace... and that last week...?  What is slower than a snail?  Like watching a tree grow?

At any rate, here we are... 39 weeks.  Today was my LAST OB appointment; more than once I said, "Bye!  The next time I see you I'll have a baby with me!"  I even made my 6-week post partum checkup appointment today... for the same day I head back to work (Ugh, work.  I mean, work, I love you!).

This last week I have been extremely hungry all the time.  I eat full meals and then at 8:30 pm I am ready for a bowl of cereal or something, and at 4:30 am I am waking up to my stomach growling.  I thought for sure that this would mean a few pounds of weight gain, but apparently it only meant that the baby had a growth spurt.

Total Weight Gain: 25 lbs

Difference from Last Appointment: -1 lb (YES!  MINUS ONE POUND!!!)

Baby's Heartbeat: 150's and moving around like crazy!

Fundal height (belly measurement): 46 cm / 46 weeks (If you've been following, you will notice this is ANOTHER 4 centimeter jump from last week.  Not that it means MUCH, but Dr. C thought today that maybe this baby will be slightly bigger than Julia.  If you look back to 39 weeks with Julia, I had weight gain of 23 lbs and was measuring 41 cm... again, doesn't mean much, but I like figures and such, so it's interesting to compare.)

Blood Pressure: Good... didn't bother looking today... I'm sure if for the first time it was bad, my nurse would have said something.

And... the most wonderful thing happened at my appointment today... well... I guess, it doesn't take much to make a pregnant woman happy!  Ha!  My nurse Joan left the room for a minute and returned with (gasp!) HOMEMADE chocolate chip cheesecake and can I say, WOW, it was delicious!  Another nurse had brought it in to share with everyone, and Joan thought I would like a piece.  Little did she know that it is my favorite dessert (cheesecake) and well... she made my day, that one.  The story about the other nurse... some time ago this nurse contracted meningitis, and it was bad enough to the point that they thought she was going to die and were ready to pull the plug on her... it was THAT bad.  Then about two weeks ago she just like that, turned around, got better, and now is home making cheesecake.  Amazing!

Another shout out of THANKS to my Dear Husband too... he came home early for lunch today to watch Julia so that I could go to the doctor.  Not that it would have mattered much to take her with me again this week, but I wasn't sure what the last visit would entail.  I have a feeling she would have eaten my cheesecake while I was having the heartbeat checked... I shared it with her after lunch and she really liked it!

So... what a journey!  In four short days (or sooner) you'll be hearing about the birth of a new baby into our family.  In four short days we'll go from Parents of One to Parents of Two and boy, won't THAT be a fun rollercoaster?

love you all!

ps.  Check out that belly?  Crazy, eh?  Holy CATS, it has taken on a life of its own!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe it has gone by so quickly! Can't wait to see pics of the newest member of the family. And yes, holy belly! You are all baby :)