Monday, September 14, 2009

Big Sister Meets Little Sister

Yesterday Julia spent the day with her daycare provider, Linda. We knew she would have a good day over there and it was a relief to us to know that she would be happy and comfortable where she was for the day. Last night Linda offered to bring Julia to the hospital after dinner to stay with us (and later go home with Adam). Linda and Julia arrived around 6:45 pm, and this was the first time that Julia was able to meet her little sister.

At first, Julia was apprehensive... she didn't necessarily like that Daddy was holding the baby, and Mommy was scary looking in her gown, glasses, and big hospital bed. Linda and my friend, Chrissy, took turns holding Raven while Adam snuggled a bit with Julia.

After some time, Julia wanted to see Raven, and would sit next to Raven while Linda was holding her.

Eventually it progressed to where Julia would allow Adam to hold Raven as long as she could also sit on his lap. I think that the three of them watched the Packers game like this for quite a while. After Linda left, Chrissy was able to coax Julia bit to playing with her, and eventually she gained some confidence again, especially after some trips though the halls with Daddy, etc. She started to warm up to Raven and even would sit next to her in the chair. Now she was beginning to enjoy the fact that there was a baby around (although Mommy was still a little scary).

Eventually Julia started to show her true colors in the Big Sister role... she was a great help to Daddy while changing Raven's diaper (read: posing for the camera while watching Daddy change the diaper) and showed she could help by throwing away diapers and cups.

After the diaper change, we asked Julia if she would give Baby Raven a kiss... and she did! We caught it on camera and video.

Julia was thrilled when we asked her if she wanted to hold Raven, and actually got quite upset when Daddy gave Raven to Mommy so Raven could nurse.

However, this opened the door Julia needed to finally be comfortable with Scary Mommy on the Hospital Bed... if she wanted to be close to Baby Raven, she would need to get close to Mommy... and you can bet this Mommy was finally in Mommy Heaven when she had both of her girls snuggled close to her last night.



Katie said...

What a fantastically perfect little family you have there. I am in love, and I bet you are too! :)

Chrissy said...

oh THAT is a relief, that Julsie got over her scared of mommy thing. just a matter of time :o)

Melinda said...

So incredibly sweet!