Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hello, old friend!

For various reasons, it has been months and months since I have been able to use my sewing machine... and I have a list of projects the length of my arm.  Sometimes it takes inspiration to get back at it again... sure, I have all of those projects, but none of them was motivation enough to hop back on my machine.

Then, a few weeks back, I was perusing Facebook and one of my work/Facebook friends posted pictures from the Balloon Glow in Cedar Rapids.  I loved the pictures and suddenly was struck with an idea... I have this amazing hot air balloon batik that I've been hanging onto (read: clutching for dear life until I figured out the perfect project for it)... and I thought it would be neat to make a small project using this fabric of a glowing hot air balloon.

And... I have the perfect recipient... a friend of mine had a birthday this last week, and she is also the same friend that invited me (and others) to my first Balloon Glow and then to the Indianola Hot Air Balloon Classic two years ago when Julia was just a little pipsqueak.  I hope she loves it!

While it didn't turn out exactly as I had expected, I think it's a good "first try" and had a lot of fun making it today.  Adam was also helpful in offering his opinions (which I honestly appreciated today).  What a fun way to get my sewing machine moving again.  Now I'm ready to tackle the real list of projects again.


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