Monday, May 25, 2009

New Pictures of Julia

Here are some recent pictures of Julia and such… she is a darling and a love…!

In the evenings, I spend a lot of time outside with Julia. Now that she has gotten over her fear of grass, she is all about exploring out of doors, and it burns off a lot of energy.

Here are pictures from Tuesday night when we were out and about.

I love my girl...!


Holy cats, it is WINDY out here!


Okay... we have this... hedgehog or something other else stone thing that has been here since we moved in and it is in the little patch by our deck... Julia thinks it is a cat, and EVERY TIME we go outside, she talks to it (she is the cat whisperer -- meow!), tries to get it to come over to her... but she won't step into the mulch, so she has never touched it... and I have a feeling she has no idea it is not real.

Trying to get the "kitty" to come by her...


Talking to the "kitty"...


A picture of Julia and the "kitty" together...


She loves to explore and ask me what things are!


We had fun rolling around in the grass too...


Then we went inside to mellow out a bit and take a bath...


Julia has a fascination with cupboards, and loves to climb into them if there is room. There is nothing under one of the sinks in the bathroom except... uh hum... feminine products (which you can see laying on the floor -- ha!), and so Julia goes in there all the time. She has recently figured out how to shut the door on herself... thank goodness it does not latch!



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