Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today was The Day to finish the hallway project. As far as I'm concerned, it is finished. YAY!

(Things to do yet: clean paint off trim, put trim back up, and clean carpet spots -- whoops. Thankfully Adam is helping to put the trim back up, and Adam's mom is here and can help clean paint off the trim.)

Tired doesn't even begin to describe how I feel... I would say my mind isn't necessarily tired, but every muscle in my hands, feet, arms, and legs hurt. My hands especially. I haven't been able to use a fork without pain for two days. Ha!

Today was a good day. This morning I started in on the Venetian Plaster (coat #1) and it took 6 hours to do that... that had me slightly concerned, but then I moved on to the finish coat of the yellow (Evening Glow) and touched up the ceiling and painted the attic opening again. Then I bucked up and did the second coat of the Venetian Plaster... I didn't do it exactly the way the card said to do... but ha, whenever have I done a project exactly the way I it is supposed to be done...? I absolutely love the colors and how they turned out, and you will really have to come and see the hallway to appreciate the color.

This picture shows the first coat of Venetian Plaster in progress... you can see the basecoat near the bottom that hasn't been covered yet in plaster.


Here are two pictures that, oddly enough, capture the colors fairly well and I was standing in a spot where I thought, hmm, I should take a picture from here.

(Chrissy, I was on the phone with you when I thought to take this picture!)


(The darker spots are still wet in this picture... but, the walls look a bit like suede and denim together.)


Adam is happy with the results and I think when he saw the basecoat color yesterday he even did a little "ooh" and definitely NOT a "yuck". Ha!

I am happy that the wallpaper is GONE and the plaster is REPAIRED and all is well in the hallway again. You know, minus the trim and the carpet.

Umm... I'm jabbering now.



Chrissy said...

wow wow WOW!!!!! major improvement over green flowery paper!!!!! i loooooove it!!!!! now i need to come over and appreciate it in person!

The Skinny Turtle said...

I love those colors as well! Especially the yellow; I'm going to have to keep that in mind for when we have a house to remodel. ;-)

You are amazing, Erin. I don't know how on earth you did all that while pregnant! You deserve a day at the spa, or at least a loooooong nap. =)