Friday, November 21, 2008

Reflections: Part 1

I say 'Part 1' because I don't doubt I'll have a bit to say over the next few days.

It shouldn't be any surprise that on the verge of my first child's first birthday, I am reflecting a lot on the past year... but also reflecting a lot on my pregnancy with her, as fast approaching the annivesary of the day Julia was evicted from my womb.

It is hard not to think about what I was doing this day (or yesterday or the day before, etc.) last year... and I am truly looking on it with fond memories.

Last year, the 21st of November was a Wednesday; it was soon to be my last day of work until the new year. Who would have thought? My doctor had told me on Tuesday (the 20th) that he fully expected me to go into December with my pregnancy. And, I remember being okay with that... but at the same time, who doesn't want their pregnancy to be over and to be meeting their baby?

It is amazing to see how much has changed last year... in Julia growing from a very small baby to a one-year-old... in my own life and what I used to consider priorities "then" versus "now"... in my relationships with my husband, family, and friends... and in myself... who I am, who I was... who I want to be.


I didn't know how emotional I would get coming up to this date (Julia's 1st birthday is Monday). So far, so good. Truthfully, I'm quite excited for her party and cake and presents... I am looking forward to experiencing that with her. I'm excited to decorate the house tomorrow, bake and decorate her cake (hmm, better put that on my to do list - doh!), dress her in her party dress. I am excited!

So, what I did NOT expect was to bust out into tears while watching 'Juno' (movie) yesterday while the gal was giving birth to her baby. I furthermore didn't expect to continue wailing when the new 'mom' picked up her newborn for the first time... wow. I grabbed Julia and hugged her tight... I am so thankful for this blessing in my life!

Yesterday I took her for her one-year pictures as a local (but affordable) studio. They turned out wonderfully! While I was talking to the photographer (who gushed over Julia the whole time), I whipped out a picture of her we had taken when she was a mere 2 weeks old... and I was overwhelmed by the difference in her in the last 11 months or so... how much she has grown and developed. I grow more and more in love with her as each day passes.

And, I fall more and more in love with being a mom.

Bring on Number 2!



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