Monday, April 13, 2009

All that is missing are the bonnet and the staff...

Happy Easter!

Yesterday was a day of celebration... the Easter celebration! It is
the day that we Christians celebrate the Risen Son, our Savior Jesus,
who died on the cross to redeem us all and rose again...! Hallelujah!

Of course, following in true Easter tradition, I decked Julia out in a
cute little outfit. However, after dressing her, I had to giggle a
mite... she resembled Little Bo (Easter) Peep to me, especially
because of the pantaloons and the black shoes. All that was missing
were the bonnet and the staff... as you can see, we even managed a
picture of her with one of her wayward sheep...! (Note to self: Julia
definitely needs white dress shoes...!)

Julia's outfit wasn't "shown off" off too very much... she spent most
of her morning in the church nursery as Adam and I participated on the
praise team yesterday. After church, she was stripped of her finery
and spent the remainder of her day in a t-shirt and then later,
pajamas. :)

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


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