Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Christmas Holiday

Hello, everyone!

Well... it's almost Christmas. And my Christmas cards are still in a box and not sent (they arrived on Tuesday), there are still a few gifts to buy and wrap, and generally, I wish there were a few more weeks before we dove head-long into the Christmas and New Year's week.

However, when I start to think on all of the things I do not have done yet, I remember that this holiday isn't really about gifts and food and cards anyway... it's about Christ! In the end, the rest of it doesn't really matter... just that one thing.

I think about baby Jesus a lot these days, what with having Julia in our lives. She is so small, so precious... totally dependent on Adam and me for food, shelter, and warmth (even if she does rule the roost...!). Four weeks ago she was still on the 'inside'... not quite real to me, even though I could feel her move around. And now she is here, and I cannot imagine my life without her. She is everything I dreamed and hoped she could be; I thank God every day for her. How must Mary have felt to know she was giving birth and gave birth to the one people would call Savior?

I don't tend to get too 'preachy' on my blog... but I had to share these thoughts. After all... 'tis the season. And, I know so many of us could use a reminder (myself included) that this holiday we call Christmas is not meant to be a time to be stressed out, overspent, and running ragged. It is a time of celebration of the one called Jesus, a sweet baby who became the Savior of the world. What could be more important than that....?

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


ps. I hope to have new pictures of Julia up soon. We have been spending a lot of time getting to know each other... but I often forget to take pictures of her! :)

1 comment:

JoHannah said...

The pictures are wonderful! I saw the one of Julia with Laila. I feel like I'm looking at your sister when she was about the same age! She looks just like Lis! Beautiful girls!