Sunday, October 20, 2013


I neglected to write a post on Anna’s 17-month-birthdate, and sadly, I didn’t even think about it until the day after.  (Bad Mom!)

However, I thought today to post because Anna said another new word and I thought, wow, I haven’t blogged her new words recently!

New today: “Done” (“Duh”)

Other new ones: Juice, Book, Sock, Fish, and This.

(Note, she drops most of her consonants at the end, but it’s obvious when she points, etc., that she’s saying something specific.)

These are added to: Uh oh, Mama, Shoes, and Up

Quite the obstinate little lady, so don’t expect her to actually say a word if you ask her too.  *grin*

Our Bubby:


1 comment:

Kate said...

Is that strawberry shortcake pjs I see?!?!?