Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random Thoughts for Today

The Mouse Surgery was unsuccessful yesterday and so for $10.96, I am
the proud owner of a new mouse and the old one may well end up in
Julia's toy box (no worries, there are no wires attached -- it was

For the last few days, it has been a balmy 70 some or so degrees and
quite beautiful outside. I had the windows open and the heat off.
Today, however, is a bit chillier than yesterday -- say, 41 degrees.
However, my stubborn self thought, "For sure the temperature will go
up... give it a few hours!" and I left the windows open.

Fast forward a few hours.
1. The sun still has not come out. In fact, it appears as though
we've gotten some rain.
2. It is still 41 degrees.

Adam just called me and I looked at the thermometer in the basement
and it said 64. Hmm, no wonder I am chilly. After discussing this
with Adam, I decided it would be prudent to close the windows and turn
the heat back on. Not a bad idea after all. While it may have been
64 in the basement, it was only 59 on the main floor, and worse than
that, only 48 degrees over by the sink. Whoops!

The windows are all shut again and the heat is back on.

Other random news...

I realized that I haven't really provided much update on Julia lately
in terms of what she is doing.

I posted back in early January that she took a few steps. Well, for
the last 2.5 months, she seems to have taken a few steps every single
day... and just this last week, at home at least, we have turned the
corner of "walking more, crawling less". However, at daycare, she is
still the Master of the Crawl. (Mistress of the Crawl? Whatever.)
She continues to prove my point, also, that she KNOWS how to walk but
simply chooses not to. We were at friend Rach's the other night, and
Rach asked if Julia was walking more yet. I said, "Oh, hum, yes, but
not that much really." Julia then proceeded to show me up by walking
around Rach's living room -- no crawling for that kid. A defiant one
right there... or at the very least, likes to prove me wrong. Hmm...
she DOES take after her daddy..... :)

Julia is quite the chatterbox as well. She talks... A LOT. However,
she talks in "baby talk" (and apparently only my niece can decipher
her words). It's rather cute, though, and she has specific phrases
she says over and over again. She still knows "mama" and "dada", but
has seemed to throw "bye bye" by the wayside (in both word and action,
UNLESS she is talking to Paul and Judy in her "Pat the Bunny" book)...
and "hi" has turned into a shy peek while nuzzling her head into my

But, last night, we were playing in her room, and I realized that all
this time, when she was saying "boo" (as in "book"), she was ACTUALLY
REFERRING TO A BOOK! She would walk around her room, pick up a book,
turn to me and say, "boo?" It was quite cute. Then she found "Pat
the Bunny" and opened to the Peek-A-Boo with Paul page. I said,
"Peek-A-Boo!" and she said, "Bee-A-Boo!" It was so cute! So I
repeated it a number of times and she said it back to me... so cool!
"B" seems to be her favorite "sound" (other than meowing) right now,
though, so after a while, i couldn't tell "book" and "peek-a-boo" and
whatever else she was spouting as she rocked her sheep across the
room... but it sure was a precious time with her!

Today when I took Julia to daycare, she immediately spotted Romeo
(daycare lady's cat) and meowed at Romeo. Much to her glee, Romeo
meowed back at her. Julia meowed again... and so did Romeo. I am
sure that it was the highlight of Julia's morning... she STILL loves
cats, meows whenever she sees pictures of them or real ones, and here
the cat "talked" back to her today. How cool is that?

Well, the temp in the basement has gone from a chilly 64 and has
already reached a balmy 66. Off to check the weather radar and then
get back to work. :)

Have a blessed Wednesday!


1 comment:

The Skinny Turtle said...

Erin! I love you! Julia is so sweet and precious, and your love and care for her just shines through. I love that Julia meows! How awesome is that!? Happy Birthday to your hubby! Have a great day, chica!