Tuesday, March 17, 2009

8/19 or 8:19 or… 8… 19…

For a few weeks now, I have considered writing a blog about the numbers 8 and 19… and, more specifically, those two numbers together.


I was born on 8/19… or August 19… in 1978.  'Twas a good year, I think.  


In the past few months, I have noticed that I always seem to notice the numbers 8 and 19 together… most specifically on clocks, but this last week I noticed it in several other places, and now I'm starting to wonder if I am predisposed to noticing these two numbers together.


The first time I really noticed that I was noticing it was with clocks.  I would seem to notice 8:19 AM pretty much ever other day or so… and often it seemed to coincide with my work schedule.  And, it wasn't as if I was deliberately looking at the clock at 8:18 or 8:17 and waiting for it to turn… no, I would be doing something, glance at the clock (either overhead or on my computer) and there it would be, 8:19.


Then I seemed to notice it on Sunday mornings.  Maybe it was simply when I was coming downstairs for the first time… and one of the three clocks in our kitchen showed 8:19?  I have no idea.


Then yesterday I saw it when Julia and I were eating breakfast… and then today I noticed it yet again…


… talk about coincidence.


And, as I said, it is not simply with clocks.  I'll notice it in street addresses from mail I receive… and goodness, last week while reading my Bible, I flipped right open to a passage and bam… there was 8:19.  So, I had to blog about it. 


I know.  It sounds weird.  I might be a little odd.  But it's all good… ;) 



1 comment:

Melinda said...

Don't you love being born on the 19th? I enjoy when people ask my birthdate and I say, "10/19/80" and they assume I have only told them the month and the year.