Hard to believe we have a five year old already…! Julia celebrated her birthday the Saturday after Thanksgiving – thanks to two leap years since her birth, it was the same day of the week as the day she was born, so Mommy experienced quite a bit of nostalgia.
The birthday girl in the morning not long after she woke up:

We decorated the tree together – what fun! Mommy let go of the Type A boiling up in her core and let the girls put approximately 20 ornaments in a 10 inch by 10 inch area. Ha! The girls had fun as this is the first year I really let them have at the tree. Talk about dripping with ornaments.
We took the girls down the road to take Julia’s 5 year pictures – those will come in a later post.
After lunch, we did Julia’s cake and presents. Now, I have to admit, the cake looked and tasted (not as) terrible, and I don’t know that I’ll attempt another one from scratch for a while. Ha! But, Julia loved blowing out candles and opening presents.

After presents and cake, I took Julia to see “Brave” – we had gone to see it when my mom was here after Anna was born, and it was playing again at the Elvis Theater. Julia enjoyed it, but after 45 minutes, she asked to please go home so she could play with her sisters. Awwww!